Welcome to the Egypt Fire Association

Who We Are

The Egypt Fire Association is made up of approximately 35+ volunteer members who reside and/or work in our area of responsibility.  We provide both Fire Protection, Rescue and EMS 1st Response services within our response area.  This response area covers approximately 20 square miles in the Southeast corner of the Town of Perinton with a population of approximately 10,000 residents.  We respond to an average of 340 alarms per year.

We are governed by a group of 12 Trustees who are voted from the current active membership of the department.  The day to day activities are divided between the firematic (Line) side of the department and the business (Civil) side of the association.  The Line Officers include the Chief, Assistant Chief, Deputy Chief, 2 Captains and 4 Lieutenants.  The Civil Officers include the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary and 9 Trustees.


Our Start

26 residents met on December 14, 1945 at the Egypt School House on Palmyra Road to organize and form the Egypt Fire Association.  In January 1946, Marty Hoyt was elected the first Chief and Amos Rush was elected as the Association's first President.  Also in January 1946, a Ford Pumper (P-44) was purchased from the U.S. Government and a plot of land was purchased for the construction of the first fire station.  The Egypt Fire Association was incorporated in February 1947 as an association, all members of the department are all equal owners of  the organization.  In 1951 the Egypt Fire Protection District was formed that designated our response area in the Southeast corner of the Town of Perinton.

Our Fire Stations

In August of 1947 construction of the first fire station (Station 1) was started and the association held there first meeting in the new fire hall on September 13, 1948.  In 1949 the association borrowed $1,500.00 from its members to purchase materials to complete the fire hall.  The first open house was held on January 23, 1947.  Station 1 has gone through a number of renovations and expansions over the years to the building you see today at the corner of Pittsford-Palmyra and Mason Roads.

In 1978 land was purchased at the corner of Mosley and Garnsey Roads for the construction of Station 2 to cover the southwest corner of our fire protection district.  This station is shared with the Bushnell's Basin Fire Department with each department housing one piece of equipment at this location.  This was the first shared fire station built in the State of New York and only one of a handful in the country.  Each department's members who respond out of Station 2 are cross-trained on each department's apparatus and equipment to allow for a joint response with either truck from the station when needed.